Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Following Jesus in a Decaying Empire ...

As an American, The Most Startling Economic Item I Know: Wealth distribution in America is now similar to wealth distribution in Russian & Iran. (Source: Joseph Stiglitz, "Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%", Vanity Fair, May 2011.)

As an American, The Most Startling Military Item I Know: Although only one in 20 persons on this globe hail from the U.S., we spend more on military expenditures annually than the next 22 countries combined. (Source: Wikipedia article: "List of countries by military expenditures")

In the first three centuries CE (Common Era), those who followed Jesus -- followers of The Way, soon labeled Christians by outsiders -- were not crucified and otherwise persecuted simply because they proclaimed, "Jesus Is Lord!". They were crucified and otherwise persecuted because, in the process of proclaiming "Jesus Is Lord!" they refused to proclaim "Caesar is Lord!" They refused to pledge allegiance to the ways and core values held dear by Roman Empire.

Perhaps it is time for we who would follow The Way throughout the U.S. to examine more closely if and how we proclaim "Jesus Is Lord!" in our land in the face of -- and as a witness to -- "Caesar Is Lord!"

Perhaps it is time to listen to Jesus speaking from the increasing chasm between rich & poor in our land, as well as the increasing chasm between our violent ways & the less-violent of God's world.